Take what you're taking


There's a reason Fate shouldn't be messed with.

It has a nasty way of coming back to bite you in the ass. Sometimes, you deserve it, but other times, you should've never experienced its wrath. It makes me question what kind of justice my grandfather's facing if I'm having to deal with all this. Was it fitting? Or would I be disappointed with the outcome?

It's what I think as I sit in front of everyone.

'Remember, you are the queen here, not them,' Vali reminded me as the hall became quiet. 'It's your position and power they want. That means they don't have it.'

These were valid words, but they also possessed things I didn't and needed: information, knowledge, connections, and much more experience.

'Some are here to help you,' she reminded me, but that wasn't enough—not when the numbers were outmatched and the cost was so close to home. 'I'm here if you need me.'