Waking up... someone else

Shortly after Rain's little monologue, a maid arrived. There were now only a few maids that rotated shifts coming to the courtyard, due to Jing's insistence of taking care of her children herself, so they didn't know this one. However, the maid requested that they bring them to their mother so that they could inform them of their business.

Rain already knew what they were going to say, at least generally, but he still wanted to sit in and hear their words. He wanted specifics, especially to know if the news just involved him, but also his mother and sister. This was something he had yet to find out.

However, their mother was asleep currently, so Rain excused himself to go wake her up. Normally, Hui would protest his leaving, but they both didn't want the maid to follow them and see their mother before she had a clear mind so she stayed quiet. Jing could be quite the handful semiconscious.

Rain walked into the bedroom. The room had expanded since he had last saw it. The room was large enough to accommodate three beds, which is what it had been originally built for, but now there were only two, for previously stated reasons. However, they really only needed one. His sister tended to slip into bed with them as well, though the arrangement wasn't official. There was also a bathroom with a mirror and a place to wash up.


No, he didn't take baths with his mom or sister.

On top of the larger bed, a woman lay face down. Her blonde hair spread across her back and she seemed to be breathing softly into the bed. Incidentally, this was the part of the bed that Rain normally occupied.

Rain could only sigh, as even the unconscious actions of his mother seemed to be steered at getting closer to him. He approached carefully, this was a dangerous mission.

His mother would only wake up to his voice, she wouldn't get up if his sister tried to wake her up so he couldn't ask her to do this. Else, it wouldn't have been a problem.

'Alright... I'm ready.'

"Mother... wake up..."

He said so from across the room, although he knew it was futile. In order for her to actually get up, he needed to shake her, but getting too close would result in his downfall. It was a catch eighty-two.

Unfortunately, Rain had no choice. He couldn't wait her out like he did in the past.

Approaching her, he put his hand on her shoulder, preparing to shake her slightly and run.

Unfortunately, she had been prepared. In a flash, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her embrace.

Her legs locked behind him, shoving him into her embrace. With her legs firmly holding him in place, she shoved him into her chest as she turned onto her side, her hands letting go of his arms and running over his back and hair.

She caressed him, not letting his face out of her breasts as she semi-groped his back and stroked his hair.


Jing sighed drowsily. It was clear she was enjoying this. Rain, on the other hand, was both suffocating and sighing internally. He knew this would happen. In her drowsy state, she would just do whatever her instincts told her. Fortunately, her instincts didn't view him as a sexual object or else he would've been fucked. Both literally and metaphorically.

Continuing her assault, his mother slowly began to regain consciousness.

"Hmmmmm... R-rain... O-oh hello there."


Rain currently couldn't speak because of his current situation, but he thought he got his message across.

After realizing the situation, Jing loosened her hold a bit, enough for him to raise his face and look at her... and breathe... but she didn't let go of her hug or leg lock.

Smiling lazily, Jing looked down at her beloved son.

"Good morning."


They looked at each other. Jing had adjusted quickly to his weird, adult-like, way of speaking, and Rain had gotten used to her obsessive cuddling. She was soft and warm so it was okay.

"Ahhh... my beloved son. How are you? Did you come to cuddle with mama? It's okay. I'll pamper you to your heart's content. It's only natural that a son would want to be pampered by their mother. Oh, it's so good to see your adorable face first thing in the morning. It's a shame that your growing up and you'll soon stop being cute and start being handsome... but being handsome is good too. That doesn't mean I love you any less. Don't worry."

'She's excited.'

Jing stopped. She began to move her hands around his body. She loosened and inspected his body, massaging it at the same time. She ran her hands through his hair and then stopped. She brought her face closer, so close they could kiss before she... started to smell him. Sniffing his hair, a smile spread across her face as if she was on drugs. She slid down a bit, smelling him all the way, before stopping at his neck where his sister had placed the top of her head when she was sitting on his lap earlier.

She frowned slightly. She wanted him to herself, but she couldn't bring herself to hate her own daughter. She just didn't like it.

Not missing her expression, Rain sighed, this time out loud.

"Before you continue your little sniff fest, I woke you up for a reason. A maid's here... one that's not part of the rotation. You know what that means."

Jing's frown deepened. It meant there was news. That wouldn't be a problem for anyone else in the palace, but getting news here meant it was important and involved them, something she didn't like. The traces of intoxication vanished as she arranged herself.

"Your mine later."

"Haah... when have I ever not been?"

Jing let Rain go and got up. Her drowsiness gone, she got up and put on a robe appropriate for meeting a maid. Previously, she had been dressed in a sleeping robe... one a bit more showy, but when talking with others that were not her son, she did not like to show skin. Only her face and hands were exposed as she slipped on some slippers.

"Let's see what this is about, shall we?"