Mission failed... successfully?

Na was tired.

The constant conversations of the night droned on and on and she was tired. Despite this, she kept her composure and maintained her mask.

Na was forced to be an object of perfection. She had a physique, high status, and looked like a fucking fairy. Naturally she was idealized.

However, this was only an ideal, one she was told to maintain. She was fortunate to already have high pride. She was a princess and she would do her duty and didn't normally mind holding herself to such a high status... normally.

But tonight was the longest night she had had in a while. It was only natural, after a long period of rest, that ones limbs would need to be stretched doing anything strenuous, something she had neglected to do. This caused her to be a bit more tired than usual.

However! She would endure! Such was her duty as princess! Unlike other princesses who might seek to be swept up and away by a strong cultivator, Na sought to become the strong cultivator. She would stand tall, with her honor intact. She had her pride. She got what she wanted, regardless of who stood in her way and if they were stronger, then she would just become stronger.

Indeed, people grew up fast in the Nine Heavens. It was eat or live in fear of being eaten. Despite being only 9, Na had set her ideals.

One such ideal was represented by a person. Not owing the person, but being similar. Strong enough to keep all those who wish to approach, but who you do not want to approach, to stay away with just a look.

Mo An. Her stepmother. Surely if she became similar in strength to her, she could get whatever she wanted.

She often spared glances at her stepmother to inspire her to wait out the annoying entities that plagues her. That was what inspired her tonight to continue.

However, something had happened. Rather than remain solitary and keep everyone at bay, she took the initiative to approach someone else.

Na had to know. What was it about the boy that made her stepmother, who could even keep her father, the king, at bay, approach him. Who was he, at least? She had yet to even get a name.

"Excuse me, I have some questions."

Her statement implied that he would listen and answer her questions.


"Well, I would simply like to talk. I have never seen or spoke to you before, and I happen to know the majority of the people here or have at least knew their identity. However, I don't know you."

Na knew everyone important. Everyone who could hold sway over the public's opinion of her or anybody who could cause problems or solutions. Thus, it was only natural that she didn't know Rain, who was viewed as irrelevant in every case.

"Ah yes, my name is Mo Rain. I am the son of one of the concubines of your father."

Rain did not miss that she asked his name, something that Fang had forgotten in his obsession and that Enlai couldn't care less about. Though perhaps this is just her wanting to dig more into him and not consideration, he appreciated the gesture nonetheless.

Na frowned.

"Which one."

"Mo Jing."

"Ahh. That makes more sense."

"Indeed, I suppose it does."

Na gave an apologetic look.

"I didn't mean to insult your mother with my words. It's just Mo Jing is not viewed well in the palace and is often considered irrelevant. I knew she had children, I just expected them to not be attending as she isn't."

Rain shook his head.

"It's fine. I can understand your confusion. However, can't ignore the king's summons now can we?"

"Yes, getting strong is everything in this world, isn't it?"

Na wasn't expecting an answer to her question. However, Rain couldn't help, but respond.

"Indeed. As long as you have strength, you can do anything. You think any of the kings would be kings if someone was stronger than them, our father included? No. Strength is necessary, because humans can grow strong. If everyone was within the same realm of strength, things would be very different. However, their are people who can hardly lift their own bodies up and their are people who can slaughter millions by breathing. Such is the difference in strength you cannot defend against unless you build up your own strength. The strong must rule because the strong can do anything. If you are weak then you can be killed by anybody with the slightest intention against you. That is why, above all, even status or bloodline, strength commands the most respect."

Rain responded, but unlike his speech which most would say with passion, his tone was even an uncaring as if say, "can't be helped."

Na's eyes widened. She saw it.

Once upon a time she had sought out her stepmother. She wanted to build a relationship with her. However, she was ignored. It hurt her, so much so that she had cried out to Mo An in tears.

'Is strength really everything their is.'

She had started to run when she heard a voice.

'Yes, that's all their is. Humans have a capacity for so much and it makes us scary. We, who can kill someone weaker than ourselves without lifting a finger, must not falter in our search for strength or someone with intentions different than ours will become stronger. Humans are not all naturally equal. I became strong because I understand that.'

Their words were different, but the tone and message the same. Na quickly looked closer, into the boy's eyes. Their she saw understanding. Their she saw not strength, but the will to get stronger. Not out of pride or desire, but because it couldn't be helped.

"Ahh. Now it makes sense."

"Hmm. What makes sense?"

Rain had no knowledge of the words spoken by An and could not make the connection.

"It's nothing. Thank you for your time."

"Ah, yes thank you for talking to me."

Na walked away, enlightened. She had found someone new to admire. However, it was different. Rather than strict admiration that commanded that she obey, it was different. She admired his viewpoint. She would compare herself to him in all aspects and the way she would measure herself would not be by the strength of others greater than herself, but by how strong he currently was. If she was stronger and could remain stronger, she would know she had made it.

Unknowingly, Rain had sown more seeds. His connections were growing. Na wanted to be stronger than him and perhaps that would change with time to wanting him. Not wanting to be with him or under him, but to be strong enough to possess him.

She always got what she wanted, after all.