10. Lost Multiverse

I teleport with Hella, through the shadows, but lose her on the way, something that has never happened before.

I find myself in a white place with some beings I have not seen for a long time. Oblivion, Death, Eternity, Infinity, Master Order, Lord Chaos, Living Tribunal and My Father, the Creator, along with his aspect of this multiverse, Presence and Stan Lee or if you prefer, The One Above All.

"Father, what happened?" I asked startled as I saw the sad countenance of some and the helpless aura of others.

"Son, unfortunately I have very bad news for you," he came over to me and sat down in an armchair and put me in the one in front of him.

Unfortunately, when you created your alter ego, you triggered the end of this multiverse. I tried to bring you back so that you could return to your natural state, and save this multiverse. Unfortunately, your alter ego has already done the unimaginable, it has managed to devour all the remaining celestials.

It has become so strong that even abstract entities would have to stand in front of it to destroy it. In doing so, you will not only lose much of your power, but you will also disappear, taking this multiverse with you."

He lets out a big sigh. I, his first son, was the cause of such a disaster. And he as not being able to interfere, or unwilling, so that I can learn from my mistakes and improve, ended up letting the situation get to this point.

"Father, just answer me one thing. If me and my alter ego disappeared together, would we have any way to save this multiverse?" I am indeed helpless with the situation.

"It would be possible, but the chances are slim, and I would rather lose this multiverse than you forever. I brought you here to tell you that my plan is to send you somewhere else, another distant multiverse, where you would start over practically from scratch.

You will already be at some point in that time, with your excuses ready, but still powerful enough to be something great not only there, but in many other places. Unfortunately, this multiverse is lost. It will turn to darkness. It is inevitable.

Whether you want to admit it or not, you have done what you always wanted to do in your moment of rage, erase this multiverse that took away your love. So I can only send you to another as a new being. Being my son, of course you will have some privileges, after all I am very partial to you.

But by sending you there, everything from this multiverse will be erased from your mind. And I'm not going to argue with you about that. This is also a way to weaken your alter ego, because of the magical empathic bond you have."

"You already know where you are going, so I don't need to explain anything further. Your sister asked that you be sent there, so you could learn more about the powers you will have. She won't be able to interfere, but as we know, she doesn't follow rules or orders." he lets out an irritated snort.

"Brother, you will be a new life and a new being, but Papa wants you to remain with the memories of your normal life in that common universe. So I wanted to ask you to keep an eye on my chosen one. He is suffering too much and I don't want something to go wrong.

I have already interfered too much and I want him to have a good life, so I ask you to take care of him. I have made a small change in the world you are going to, so be free to live a good and full life yes." she walks over to me and hugs me, and whispers in my ear. "Now we are no longer related, so we can do what we've always wanted to do, I've been waiting for this for eons."

I just laugh at my froggy sister, alias, now no longer sister, but still froggy. I greet each of them, asking forgiveness for my mistakes and wishing them all that they can keep this multiverse in one piece.

"As you are now ready, I say goodbye son. Until next time when we see each other." he gives me a hug, then all three of his impressions place their hands on me. Presence holds my head, Stan Lee my hands and my father, The Creator, has his hands on my chest, above my heart.

Tears run down his eyes, I will no longer remember him, or any of them as my relatives, it made him sad.

"Don't worry father, you will always be my father, no matter where, when or how." I smile one last time at him, as I crumble into cosmic power.


"Now none of them can stop me, I will devour everything and leave this multiverse in darkness, and soon after, I will go to another one and destroy everything, and that way, there will never be any loss or suffering for anyone ever again." I laugh a satisfied laugh.

"Unfortunately son, you won't be able to do that. Just be my good son again and accept the punishments for your mistake. Disappear." The Creator and the abstract entities of this multiverse appear in front of me.

"Never mind Father, I will do what you should have done long ago. I will erase everything, and you can begin your work again with more care this time." I strike them all.

A glint passes through the Creator's eyes and his smile shows that he has had a flash of an idea in his creative mind. He himself pushes the abstract entities away and sucks in a vortex of pure energy all the darkness that my Knull self has released.

His hand reaches for me without my even seeing or noticing, his warm, caring hands touch my chest, his gentle, caring smile still on his face, the lone tear trickles down.

"Be reborn, son." then a light pulse, something that shook the entire macro verse and its structure, focused on my body and I found myself, crumbling into cosmic power.

"Thank you father, my suffering has come to an end. Thank you. Going to you Hestia." are my last words as a pure tear trickles down and turns into cosmic power.

"Children, we now have more than enough power to eradicate or restart this multiverse, what do you choose?" the Father turns to all the abstract entities.

"We should just reset and keep his legend to the people, but not as a destroyer but as a creator, let him take over Magic's vacant spot, it has always been a problem to have someone for that. When Father thinks he is ready, just let him take over the post." Oblivion replies.

"So be it then." Father replies and resets the nearly destroyed multiverse.