12. Fall of the Titans

I find myself standing in front of the Titan Kronos, their king, and without a second thought, I punch him in the stomach, making him vomit up every single one of his children. Being the first to enter, Hestia was the last to leave, but as soon as she did, I picked her up in my arms and carried her away.

As I carried her, Hades and Poseidon kept asking me questions, which I didn't listen to, and Hera the envious was throwing herself at me, hoping to be carried, since she considered herself the most beautiful and intelligent among them. Demeter just walked beside us, quiet and thoughtful.

We arrived where Rhea was, an island that had a few more titans and hecatons, Cyclops and other beings. After a quick family meeting, Zeus takes the lead and asks his brothers to help him overthrow their father.

Then the war begins. The Titanomachy begins with a militia attack by the new gods against some titans, and I see that humanity is the one who suffers as a result. I try to ask them to settle things quickly, but Zeus doesn't care.

Hestia stops me, for she knew that I was furious with her brothers and relatives for getting all the meager and innocent humanity into such a mess. She then explains to me that change will happen, and she will be the one to protect humanity.

She then uses her divine power to hide and protect humanity from catastrophe, and asks me to end the war, without killing either side. I accept her request, but only if she will marry me.

She accepts without a second thought, and then I go into battle. This battle has been going on for ten years by the count of this planet. I find Zeus and Hades fighting Atlas, and Poseidon fighting Oceans.

I just become myself, the great Leviathan and take each of them down, using my umbra flame. As for Poseidon and Ocean, I knock them out in the usual way, through punches and kicks.

I go through each battlefield, knocking out both sides, and Zeus, taking advantage of this, claims victory, trapping the titans in the tartarus. He comes back at his word with the hecatons and traps them together, and the Cyclopes, smart as they are, go over to Poseidon's side.

A new war was about to be fought, between the three brothers, so I just warned them that if they did, I would kill them right there and then. Zeus was afraid, but still wanted the war, Poseidon and Hades didn't want war, so they let it go.

Each one went to his own corner, Hades went to be the lord of the underworld, where he could be alone and not have to see his brothers, Poseidon dominated the seas and oceans and together with the Cyclops, created his kingdom.

Zeus decided to live on Olympus, as king of his brothers and sisters. But his arrogance and arrogance would still cause problems.

He, as king, decided that he would marry Hestia, which made me want to kill the bastard, but Hestia, being the sweet and calm girl, the protector and primordial flame, just said she couldn't do that, since she had agreed to marry me.

Zeus, full of anger, forbids her to marry, since it wouldn't be to him, it wouldn't be to anyone. She just shrugs, and I just look at him. He then stays with Métis, his counselor and best friend.

Time passes, and madness and arrogance take over Zeus. He has his son Ares, a boy just like his father, but who loves war, that being his divinity. Soon after, he decides he no longer wants to be with Métis, doing the same thing his father did with his brothers.

Hestia and I learned of this only much later, since she and I lived among humans. We did not marry, but we lived together and had a happy life. Zeus marries Hera, and shortly afterwards, from her head, Athena is born.

Zeus could not contain himself, and started having more and more children, until one day, I, who was living among humans, went to work on our farm, when one of his children decided to visit Hestia. What the shit didn't know is that I always left my attention at home.

So no matter where I was, I knew what happened to Hestia. Although she is the strongest God, she is very pacifist and would never hurt another person, even those who hurt her.

He tries to force himself on Hestia and I promptly appear. My fury is such that not even Olympus escapes, the tremors, the storms, the tsunamis, the darkness encompassing the planet, the sun could no longer be seen.

I take the little god by the neck, and lead him to his father. Zeus is sitting on his throne, sweating with such power that exudes from me.

"What should I do with your son, who tried to rape Hestia?" I look deep into his eyes, not containing my fury.

"He would never do something like that" he stammers trying to explain himself.

"So you call me a liar?" the darkness starts to take over Olympus.

"Never, I just believe in my son's innocence. There may have been a misunderstanding between you." He sweats even more.

"Here is your misunderstanding." I rip the little God in half, as I devour his fragile little deity. "I hope no more misunderstandings occur. Or Olympus will fall." I disappear into the darkness.

Seeing his son's body, broken in half, without having the slightest chance to do anything, Zeus begins to rage, and with that, well the great opportunity Ares needed and created. It was he who used his power of war, to drive the little god mad, and commit such an act.

His father always did it and nothing happens, why couldn't he do it too? He believed that his father was the most powerful, and would always be on his side. Big mistake.