14. Time and Asgard

While waiting for Hestia's resurrection, I found myself overcome with a hatred and despair that should not have been mine. Apparently, I was also affected by Ares' madness. Unfortunately, I could not get rid of it in the normal way, so I separated my essence into two, and kept the crazy part trapped on a distant and uninhabited planet, with darkness as its prison.

Freed from that which made me a potentially crazy and destructive being, I returned to the world loved by Hestia and seeing that things were moving slowly, I decided to get to know the other universes.

Traveling through my shadow I arrived in a beautiful place with really strong people. I am invited by Bor to a banquet in the royal palace of Asgard. As soon as I arrive, I am greeted by countless people who look at me curiously until Bor introduces me.

"Welcome, Skyggedrage, the great universal serpent. May your arrival bring joy and fortune to Asgard." people clap their hands and I see a boy and two girls beside the throne. Bor and the boy are a copy of each other, so I believe he is their son. But the two girls, I have no idea.

I, not knowing what to do, just thank everyone and sit down somewhere, just watching the joy those people have in celebrating. 'I need to bring Hestia to see this' a smile escapes on my face.

"Pleased Universal Serpent, I am Prince Odin, and this is Frigga and Freya, princesses of Vanaheim." He has all that serious posture but I see the mischief in his eyes.

"Nice to meet you ladies. I am, according to the old man over there, the Universal Serpent, Skyggedrage. But you can call me Drage only. Not you." I point at Odin.

He looks at me curiously. "And why should I be treated differently from them?"

"For the simple fact that they are beautiful and nice to look at, and you look like the crazy old man sitting in the golden chair." I then look at the two. "If you prefer beautiful ladies, you may call me Levi, as my beloved wife calls me," I bow to them.

"So this handsome man is already married, it's a shame, I so wanted a strong and wise man for a husband." Frigga provokes Odin who looks at me in anger.

"Don't look at me like that ok. I can't do anything if I'm better looking, stronger and cooler than you." I feign silly pride, which makes the girls laugh at Odin.

"We love your company Levi, but we need to go back and talk to the king. Excuse me." they start to distance themselves from me and Odin.

"Wanna bet I get your underwear before you do?" he teases me.

"Poor guy, I would have both their underwear in front of you, and still make them believe you got them," I return the tease.

"I bet you wouldn't." he grumbles.

"What's the stakes?" I look at him interested.

"The loser will have to give a powerful weapon to the winner."

I just roll my eyes. I don't need a gun. "I'm not interested in guns, they make me look weak and dependent.

He looks at me as if I have committed heresy. "How can you say such a thing? A good weapon helps the warrior who wields it become stronger."

"Actually I think a weapon is a crutch for those who are unable to use their powers. That's all. Now, back to the bet, what will be the deal?" I want to know what he can offer me.

"I will give you free access to Asgard's library, as well as a house where you can spend your vacations with your wife," he promises me.

"That being the case, if I lose, I will speak to my father and let his tales go to other worlds."

He looks at me wide-eyed, not that he knows of the existence of the multiverse, but of his tales spreading, that would help a lot. A strong influence keeps his people safe.

At the end of the banquet that night, he tries to sneak in to steal Frigga's underwear, but is caught by the witch and beaten up. I just use my shadow, turning her into a rat and stealing not only hers, but Freya's as well.

I take the underwear and put it in one of the drawers of Odin's room, who was still a little bruised from the beating Frigga gave him. 'And there are still people who consider women unworthy of respect. Go figure.

The other morning, I call them and we break into Odin's room, who is confused and embarrassed that he was caught in his underwear. 'He hid it in that drawer over there. I told him I didn't agree with his idea, but he did it anyway," I make an innocent face at the girls.

He confused, not understanding what was going on just puts on his pants, while Frigga and Freya look at the drawer I showed them. They turn to him in uncontained fury. "I told Odin, if you tried to take our clothes I would beat you up so you would never forget them, but my sister's too?" she shows him her underwear, and he looks at them and then at me.

I bow to him, and run for the exit, and listen to Odin's calls for help. What I forgot was, after Frigga and Freya had calmed down, they would find out that it was me, through their magic. I was taken by surprise by the two and caught a little, much less than Odin.

Time went by and the Celestials decided that they wanted the earth for their plans to create a new race. This angered Bor, who started a war. The years were countless, but still, Asgard resisted.

Only Bor could kill a Celestial, his son was not yet strong enough, and I refused to participate in a war, even more so having just come out of one. Well, the massacre I did can be considered a war against the follies of Ares.

I got involved when I needed to save Odin. He grew very strong during the period when the war was going on, what he didn't count on is, the Celestials attacked head-on, and the dark elves surreptitiously. He was taken by surprise, and received a mortally serious wound.

Seeing a good friend wounded in that unfair way, I just went on the attack, causing havoc and devastation against the Celestials, and Bor took the opportunity to take revenge on the dark elves. I return some time later, badly wounded, exhausted, and almost powerless.

I find that separating half of my essence now takes its toll, and I see that Odin has not improved from his injuries. I use what is left of my power, healing and blessing him, then drag myself to Frigga, and bless her that she will have a powerful and wonderful son, as she has always dreamed, I try to go to Freya, but I have no strength left and just smile at her and sink into the shadows.