21. Survival Schemes

"She lost a lot of blood in childbirth, I believe she will not survive." Says the meister who was accompanying Lyanna. Ned stands beside his sister.

"She can survive, with the blood loss, just give her serum and a strong broth to get her body to work on producing this new blood and everything will be fine." I nudge the old man, as I prepare an IV and ask the attendant to prepare the broth.

"You think you know better than me boy? She's going to die and there's nothing you can do about it," he yells. Ned looks at him in anger.

"If she dies, you die. Then start praying to the seven bastards you follow. I approach Lyanna and hand the serum to Ned. "Make her drink it, slowly so she doesn't choke. The other girl will soon bring something for her stomach."

He carefully makes her drink the serum, he didn't say it will be an instant cure, but still, you could see her less tired already, and less down as well. Despite asking her to drink slowly, I still made a bag and put in an IV, to help her recovery.

"Lucas," I shout to my soldier. "Take the meistre for a rest, I think I've gone over the edge. Let him breathe some air and then we'll talk." I give the order, which my soldier follows to the letter.

"You know you caused a problem for yourself right? That stingy one there is going to cause you a lot of trouble." Gerold Hightower warns me about the meister, I just smile.

"The dead don't cause trouble for the living sir, only the living. But speaking of more important things. What will the three greatest warriors of Westeros do from now on?" I look at them.

"Well, we have three options. Abandon the mantle and return to our lands, but that will be seen as treason. Die in battle and free ourselves of the cloak and life, or flee to the free cities, and work as mercenaries." Ser Athur replies.

"Unfortunately, I have some not so good news. As Ser Gerold was the last of the house, the Citadel had probably gained Vivavelha and Torralta, as there are no living members other than his sister, who has married Mace Tyrell.

The Whent family will still carry on, but as the vassal of a passive family that doesn't want to compromise for anything, it will go through some problems, but nothing that can't be solved. As for the Dayne house, well, you have two sisters, who are the most beautiful in the kingdom.

If you die, they will be alone, if you run away, they will be alone, and this will make them the target of families who want power. So I could give you some ideas on how to solve this, but I would need Ned Stark's help," I look at him who is looking after his sister, now resting.

"And what help would that be?" he looks at me confused.

"Real forgiveness. Just ask Robert to forgive and release the three of them from their duties, then things might be less complicated."

"I think I can do that. Just say they protected Lyanna and Robert will forgive them." he looks at the three.

"I don't think so. Lyanna dies in the tower on this day," I speak, and everyone looks at me strangely. "As far as I know, she is a married woman, to the crown prince, and mother to the new prince. Have you found the problem?"

I see comprehension hit each of them, and the machinations of their brains begin to spin.

"Don't think too long, I have an idea." They look at me curiously. "Lyanna dies today, Gerold Hightower marries Allyria Dayne, and Ser Arthur could marry someone from house Whent, and Ser Oswell could marry Ashara Dayne.

We strengthen all three houses, as well as being able to hide some important people at the same time. But if you don't want this arrangement, do as you see fit. But it would be good if you knew some facts beforehand.

Elia Martell and her children are alive. The two youngest sons of the mad king are alive. I think that now you understand the mess we are in, right? But I will fix it, with or without your help. The big problem is Lyanna," I point to the sleeping girl.

"I understand the plan, but I don't know how that would help us." Arthur Dayne looks strangely at his companions, at the thought of them becoming brothers-in-law.

"Pretty simple. If the three houses unite, that will be three places we can protect Elia Martell, Lyanna Stark, and the three children. The only thing I ask of you, please, if you accept, don't teach them that they will be kings or queens or that they are princes and princesses. First teach them to be people and to respect everyone, regardless of their social class," I appeal to them.

"With that kind of thinking you would be a great king boy." Gerold comments, and he sees me negating with my head. "And why not?"

"For the simple fact that I don't want it, nor do I need it. Being king should be a title where the responsibility should weigh, and not just be uncomfortable to sit in. To be king is to take care of the people, and not the other way around. And taking care of a lot of people is hard work. Something I don't want. My Island is my home, and only it is good enough."

"I like you, boy. Since I lost my home, I want to know if you want to hire me as your teacher, I can help you with your fencing at least." Gerold asks me with a smile on his face.

"Only after you promise to marry me and have an heir." I look at him, waiting for the answer.

"And why is that?" he looks at me confused. I just smile at him. "Do you really think I will let a bunch of manipulative old men take care of one of the biggest cities, robbing the people with their bravado? Your son will have my support to get his home back, simple as that."

"I Gerold Hightower, will be your teacher, and my son's when you come. May our prosperity come from here." he promises me.

"I accept sor, but I will stop calling you sor because it is boring. Master Gerold or master shall serve, teacher." I start to laugh and he follows me. "So what will you do sor Arthur, and you sor Oswell?"

"If Arthur wants to marry one of my sisters I would accept, but I will not commit to marrying one of his sisters without them wanting to. I am not a fan of other people's arrangements." Oswell replies calmly.

"I will follow the same path as my friend Oswell, if my sisters want it, I will not complain, but marrying one of your sisters, does not suit me. I want to find my own way." Arthur then replies.

"That being the case, all that remains is the royal pardon. And decide where the children and women will stay. I recommend that Elia Martell stay at Dayne House, so she would be close to her people, and her family, and it would be good if Arthur and Oswell were there to look after the children.

Lyanna's case is a little more complicated, since Robert will not accept her having a Targaryen child, and this could cause even more confusion. So I recommend that she and her son come to my island. He can learn from Master Gerold as well."

I look at Ned, who is staring at his sister. I see a silent debate in his eyes.