Episode 9

(Theme song plays)

(The episode opens with Rosemary, Snapdragon, Aster, and Cilantro entering a gym that is full of dummies with targets on them)

(Professor Hakone appears)

Professor Hakone: Welcome to class, warriors today you will be learning which weapon suits you best and if you have a weapon from home, then you can challenge someone else that is like you and if you can't find it, just practice with a different weapon. Also, these weapons are enchanted, so they won't hurt you for real only the dummies.

(Snapdragon grabs a battle ax)

(Cilantro grabs a spear)

(Rosemary and Aster face each other)

Aster (looking at Rose's Sword): Is that Flowering Throne? So, the rumor is true, you are Lavender's daughter.

Rosemary (smiles): Yeah, I'm Rosemary, nice to meet you.

Aster (holding a sword): I am Aster.

(Rosemary and Aster duel together)

(Snapdragon tries to attack the dummy, but the ax nearly falls out of his hand)

Professor Hakone: Snapdragon, I know that it's a normal reaction to pick your father's weapons, but you can't just rush into this.

(Professor Hakone grabs the battle ax and slices the dummy)

Professor Hakone: You have to grip tightly, and knock the dummy's weapon out

Snapdragon: Thanks for the advice

Professor Hakone: Of course, I say give a weapon a try and if you don't feel it's for you, another weapon can call to you

Snapdragon: I'll be fine

Professor Hakone: Okay, just remember you are apart of your own destiny

(Snapdragon grabs the battle ax and tries to attack the dummy's spear)

(Snapdragon misses the spear)

(Snapdragon tries to hit the dummy's spear)

(Cilantro is charging at the dummy with a spear and stabs it in the heart)

The students: Oh!

Cilantro: Darn it, I hate showing my violent side

(Rosemary and Aster are shown fighting equally)

Aster: You are not that bad

Rosemary: Thank you, I practiced with my mom when I was little

Aster: What a coincidence, I got taught by my dad when I was little

Rosemary: Guess that means you are going to be a tough opponent

Aster: I could say the same with you

(Rosemary almost lost her balance, but picks herself and comes charging at Aster)

(Aster and Rosemary smile at each other)

Professor Hakone: Interesting

(The screen switches to Snapdragon looking at the dummy and put the ax down)

(Professor Hakone walks to Snapdragon and gives him a Knightly Sword)

Professor Hakone: I'm saying to give up the ax, but maybe give another weapon a chance

Snapdragon (takes the sword): Fine

(Snapdragon holds the sword tightly, then knocks the dummy's weapon out of its hand)

Snapdragon: Wow! It feels so light

(Snapdragon knocks more dummies weapon out of their hands and smiles)

Professor Hakone: So, do you still want to use the ax?

(Snapdragon looks at the ax for a moment)

(There's a flashback of Snapdragon's father with Snapdragon)

Snapdragon's father: Only a true man used an battle ax, when you go to that school, you learn to use this weapon too.

Snapdragon: Right

(The flashback ends)

(Snapdragon puts the ax back in the chest)

Snapdragon (whispers): Sorry, dad

(Snapdragon walks away with the Knightly Sword)

(The episode ends with everybody still practicing)