chapter 4



  She said she cannot work late and I am wondering what could have been the reason. Does she live in a violent neighborhood? Does she have a controlling boyfriend that won’t allow her to stay out late? Or maybe she just doesn't want to work late.


  No, that couldn’t be the case. It shows here that she lives with her parents and the address is a few blocks from the University.


  I actually believed her and trust me, I rarely believe anyone’s word. There was a trace of sadness in her eyes when she mentioned about not working late.


  I felt like she is hiding something deep within and I wanted to protect her at that moment but I threw that thought through the door. She is too crazy to be sad.


  I could definitely use some of her humor around here though.


  I already decided she gets the job of the Intern Assistant but I decided to play around with her. There is a bit of familiarity with her, it feels like I have met her before but I can’t remember where and when.


  After looking at her blankly for a moment, I knew she was under the impression that I am angry but I am actually entertained by her.


  As if being annoyed, I saw her make an attempt to get up so finally stopped her movements, “Tell me Miss Garcia, why do you think I should really hire you?” She was really impatient.


  She ceased her movements and looked at me with a bright smile. I was captivated by her smile, she had perfectly aligned white teeth, heart-shaped plump red lips and two deep dimples on her cheeks.


  I wanted nothing more than to jump over the table and suck on those lips and to have my tongue dancing with hers.


  “Well, it is just the same of what I was telling you earlier. I wanted to work here because I majored in Business Law and wanted the experience from the best company in this City so I could develop and grow into one of the best Business Lawyers in the country.


  There is a lot of corruption in all businesses today and society is being treated with their lack of sincerity and services. They only want to make money without providing good services to their people who are making them what they are today. Without us the customers, they wouldn’t have a business to run in the first place.


  Employees are doing all the work and being under-paid or cheated by the system. There are even few employees that are constructing back door deals that are affecting the company and the higher heads have to deal with the repercussions.


  So basically, it is a two-way street and my goal is to learn from the best and I believe The Great CE Business Law Firm can pave the way for me by granting me the opportunity of experience.”


  I decided I wanted to play with her some more, “I don’t think this is good enough for me to hire you.” She looked at me with her mouth wide open. I chuckled inwardly, I swear this girl drew my interest.


  She composed herself and I am wondering what will be her response. This should definitely be a good one. She took a deep breath then finally spoke, “I understand if that is your decision but I will not take no for an answer. So when will I start?” I took her in with my lips curved up into a smirk.


  She will definitely be the death of me one day because I am turned on by her dominance but I shall curve her one day.


  I have a meeting an hour after this so I decided to stop toying with her.


  “I will hire you...” She looked at me with her eyes sparkled like those female characters in Anime. Yes, I am an Anime lover, don’t judge.


  Before she could get excited I continued with a killer smirk, “… but on one condition.”


  Her eyes dropped for a second and she seemed to be thinking about it until she shouted angrily almost deafening, “What condition? Let me tell you something Mr. Christian Evans, I won’t trade my body for a job!”


  It was my time to be shocked, “What nonsense are you thinking in that brain of yours?”


  She really has an abnormal way of thinking. I can see I will have a handful around the office soon.


  She is lucky she already peaked my interest the moment she flung herself in my office because I would have kicked her out a long time ago for her outbursts. It is almost as if someone forced her to be here and she is trying very hard for me not to hire her without actually saying it.


  She tilted her head to the side and whispered confusedly but this time softly, “What is the condition?”


  I took a deep breath, conditioning my mind for her outburst again, “Become my Assistant?”


  The outburst never came, she asked innocently, “Why?”


  Why do I have this strong feeling that she is finding excuses for me not to hire her?


  “Why do you have so many questions? Didn’t you say that you want to leave work on time in the evenings and to work with fewer males?” She looked at me eagerly as I continued, “Well this is the only position I can provide with these advantages. Putting you in another department with this advantage will make you a target with others who have no choice but to work late when required to complete a task with a timeframe.”


  “… but don’t you already have an assistant” She seemed to calm down now and speak with interest.


  “Yes, I do but you don’t have to worry about that. You will be my Intern Assistant and he won’t get in your way.” I assured her.


  “Then I will listen to you. What are my duties as your Intern Assistant?” She is so adorable when she is being serious and obedient.


  I found a smile sneaking its way to my face.


  “My Personal Assistant’s name is Roger Simms and he will provide you with your duties for the three month. He is also my General Manager so he is too busy to handle his Assistant job thoroughly. I had an intern recently but she had to leave.” I answered honestly.


  “When do I start, sir?” She asked politely.


  I saw her reach down to her right leg. She has been doing that since she came in here and I am wondering what is so interesting about her feet.


  “Since you are so excited to work next to me, can you start now?” I teased her but seriously though, I cannot go the day without an Intern. Who has time to go to the printing machine, go for coffee and buy lunch? I am not that idle, I have contracts to sign.


  I am excited for her to start working as soon as possible, so I can see her pretty face every day for the next three months.


  Suddenly she got up and left me dumbfounded, “I apologize sincerely but I can’t start today, I am afraid I wouldn’t be of much help to you, since I was given an exercising job title. My ankles are now swollen and I can’t move as freely but I will be here early tomorrow for duty, sir.”


  I decided to let her go for today. I am feeling a bit generous today, “I will allow you to leave for today but make it the first and the last. I will not tolerate absence or lateness.”


  She smiled gratefully, “Yes sir, it will be my last and thank you very much. I will see you tomorrow.”


  When she got to the door, I saw her ankle and they were indeed swollen. I was planning on punishing her the next day for her bold and rude outbursts earlier but I might give her a pass.


  If it was anyone else, they would have been banned from the company and any other affiliated companies. There was just something different and intriguing about her.


  “Your feet are swollen. Do you want me to take you home?” What… Why would I be concerned? When did I care about other people and for someone I just met?