chapter 6






  I woke early to prepare myself for work. It wasn’t easy but I did it regardless. I am definitely not a morning person.


  I made sure to wear a formal flat shoe today to go along with my business attire. I chose another pencil skirt that stops a little above my knees but in the color of baby pink and matching cardigan with a white blouse underneath.


  Something you should know about me, my hair is always in a ponytail.


  I had breakfast with my parents who were elated about me passing the interview but a little worried that I will be working alongside Mr. Evans.


  They are worried that their one daughter will be bullied into resigning or even worse, fired. That would definitely make it harder in getting a good job in one of these big companies after college or to even get the spot of Valedictorian for graduation.


  Mom and dad dropped me off work at exactly 7:30 am before going to their restaurant.


  I kissed them goodbye then headed to the company.


  I went to the reception area so I could collect my work badge.


  “Hey, you got through. I am happy for you.” She gave a bright and sincere smile. It was the same receptionist from yesterday.


  I smiled back at her, “Hi Sophie. Yes, I did. I didn’t see you here on my way out.” To be honest, I wasn’t looking for her so I wouldn’t notice if she was here or not.


  She seems to be thinking about something for a moment, then she finally responded, “I must have been on break or stepped away to handle something urgent.” I nodded at her explanation.


  “So what can I do for you, Josephine?” she tilted her head and asked.


  “I was told to collect my Intern badge at the front desk today.” I told her while playing with the end of my ponytail. I never liked people saying out my full name but since we are not yet friends, I will let it slide.


  “Okay.” She then turned to one of the other girls working with her, “Ashley, can you search through the badges before you and give me the one that says ‘Josephine Garcia’?”


  Wow! I am sure she had to interact with a whole lot of people each day and she actually remembers my full name. I must have left an impression.


  Well, I always do.


  She gave me my badge and wished me well.


  I definitely like her. I hope everyone in this company is the same as her but we all know that will be impossible. Seven brothers, seven different minds.


  I then proceeded to the top floor. I got a few stares here and there but no one said anything so I am grateful. I did not get a choice in my height and I cannot force myself to grow.


  I went straight to Mr. Evans office and mentally prepared myself to deal with this handsome fool who thinks he is the King of the City.


  I knocked and waited for an answer.


  A voice came telling me to enter but it was not his voice. It was another deep sexy male voice.


  I furrowed my brow and stepped back so I could check the label on the door again. I am sure the gold plated label on the door says ‘Christian Evans’ and below it ‘CEO / Attorney at Law’ is written.


  I took a deep breath, placed my hand on the doorknob, turned it slowly so I could push it open. I walked into the Lion’s den with my eyes closed.


  “Why is there a child in your office?” I heard the same deep voice that told me to enter.


  My eyes opened with the urgency to trace the voice so I could match it with a voice. There was a man sitting in the same chair I sat in yesterday but with his body slightly turned so he can see who came in.


  He looks just the same age as Mr. Evans. He has a face that will have you stop and stare, but Mr. Evans’ face and body would have you passed out with just a glance. His baby blue eyes, short black hair, and straight face but with prominent jawlines and a killer smile.


  They are both handsome but my boss definitely took the lead, especially with that evil smirk I noticed him giving me yesterday.


  “Miss Garcia, please come back to earth.” I heard that angry voice. It seems he had been talking to me for a while now.


  My head snapped to him, “I-I am sorry, Mr. E-Evans.”


  I am sure I must have the image of a frightened kitten at this moment. I can’t believe that I have been standing here comparing the two men in the room.


  I snickered inside, it is all Christian Evans’ fault, who told him to be so damn attractive?


  Now I am so embarrassed, I could feel blood rushing to my cheeks.


  I hope I don’t get fired on my first day. My parents and my principal would have been so disappointed in me regardless of my known clumsiness. Despite being clumsy, I have always delivered at the top of everything I set my mind to.


  The man in the chair hasn't said anything more, but they were both staring at me with different expressions. One with amusement and the other with anger.


  Oh my God, I angered my boss on my first day. This must have been a record. You go Josie, you can’t even keep a job you barely started.


  I stand in the middle of the room like a lost puppy, playing with my fingers with my head held down staring at them as if they are the most interesting thing in the world.


  “Look at me Josephine. Always look at me when I am talking to you.” Mr. Evans ordered coldly.


  I flinched at his tone. This man is frightening, I had no choice but to look at his breathtakingly handsome face. I can’t believe I am admiring my boss at this moment.


  “Y-yes sir.” I stuttered like an idiot. I mentally facepalm because the next three months of my life do not look promising one bit.


  “Good.” He retorted in a serious tone without taking his eyes off me.


  Why is this man so angry this early in the morning?


  “Miss Garcia, this is my Personal Assistant and General Manager, Roger Simms. He will be in charge of providing you with your schedule on a daily basis. What you do on a day to day basis might differ, meaning, based on his schedule, you might have less or more work.”


  “Thank you sir. I will work to the best of my ability to fulfill all assigned activities provided.” I responded with agility.


  I saw Roger smile at my response but Christian Evans only gave me a nod. Bastard!


  “Okay, Miss Garcia. Follow me to my office to collect your schedule, I had already made a list for the week. After that, I can get someone to show you around the company too, so you can get accustomed to the places you might be required throughout your three months with us.” Mr. Simms advised me in a soft tone to ensure I understood as if I was a child.


  I smiled at him and nodded, “Yes.” And made an attempt to follow him since he had already gotten up to exit the office.


  “Where do you think you are going young lady?” Mr. Evans roared. I turned to look at him as if he had lost several screws. This man must be crazy.


  I frowned and I could tell Mr. Simms stopped as well, both waiting to verify who he was referring to.


  I definitely got the answer.


  “Did I say you can leave?” He questioned but I didn’t answer.


  “Go and get me a cup of coffee, two cubes of sugar with no milk. Make it perfect, if you don’t want to do it more than once.”


  He waved his hand in a dismissive manner and shouted, “I gave you an order, why are you still here?”