chapter 16

  Josie’s POV

  "Uhm!" I turned around and I know I am looking at him quite weirdly.

  What a nosey boss?

  Why does it even matter? I am not obligated to share my personal business.

  "Are you now dumb, Miss Garcia?" He slowly walked to me towering over my small frame. I can feel my knees getting wobbly by his close distance making me weaker with every second.

  My response trapped in my throat, I had to cough a little.

  "Josie, I am impatiently waiting." He smoothly advised brushing away the few run away strands of hair from my forehead.

  My body shudders from his touch. Even though I had taken baby steps to interact with the opposite sex lately, Christian Evans had always been the man that I don't feel fear or disgust with since we met.

  Maybe I should have felt fear with him because my mouth wouldn't have placed me into so much trouble with him in the space of a month.

  I can feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and I don't even need to ask what color I am.