Chapter 28

  Josie’s POV

  "What is happening here?" A domineering aura envelopes the huge area with his demanding presence. I could feel the possessive strides getting closer as he enunciates his entrance.

  He is early today. He usually comes exactly 8am since I am here.

  I don't want to acknowledge Christian here for he is very much unpredictable and I don't know how to handle him when he starts evading my senses. I would be a mess trapped in this misunderstanding.

  So I did the best thing I could think of. I ran off to the awaiting elevator before he repeats what happened Friday... but before I could celebrate my success I was pulled to his exclusive elevator.

  I screamed by the sudden pull but it got drowned out by the closing of the elevator doors.

  He is still holding my hand firmly and his grip is getting tighter. He stared down at me as he grits his teeth in anger.