Chapter 39

  “What?” Rima and Stanley said as Penn raised an eyebrow at Vallas.

  Vallas sighed as he answered all their question, including Penn non vocal one. “Yes, what he says is true.”

  “Everybody starts at the resistance from the ground up.” Stanley stated, still confused at what was happening. It was the unspoken rule, unspoken but still a rule. Penn had to prove his way up, they all did even though they were loyal to the task and showed that from the onset. Yes they rose up the ranks faster than others but it did not change the fact that they started from nothing.

  “Not Curtis, he does not.” Denzel said, puffing out his chest in pride.

  “What makes him so special not to?” Rima spat out, her words and eyes spitting out barbs.

  “Because he is not a girl for one.” Denzel replied as Rima let out a little growl and moved towards him but Stanley quickly intercepted her. “Not a maid son for another.” It was Rima turn to hold Stanley back this time. Denzel faced Penn.