I knew better than to wish things would be better, that was just wishful thinking on my part. Wishful thinking because, not only did the side comments begin the minute I sat with them for breakfast that day but because they went ahead and brought Faye to have breakfast with us like she was someone of the same rank.
It made me angry but I reined it in and never stopped smiling.
Or at least I didn’t until they opened their mouth.
“Gwenn, when you left and came back, I thought it would be with a better disposition, I mean. You didn’t say anything to Faye even though she is right opposite you on the table.” Catia said with a smile, the brothers were there watching to see how this would go down.
I have learnt earlier on to not bank on any of them to correct their sisters. Their sisters were pets to them and they might not approve of their sisters ways of doing things but they will never side an outsider over their family.