Gwenn pov
Something was wrong and I felt it, someone had just died and this person was closed to me, I jumped up from my bed just as Silana screamed and her eyes went open.
“Who?” I asked Silana who shook her head at me.
“I am sorry Gwenn. So sorry.” She added as Tears came down from her eyes. I would have demanded to know more if my attention was not taken from her. The air felt wrong.
“What’s going on?” I asked Silana.
“Death, the reign has come.” Silana replied, her words and the somber way she said it sent chills down my spine.
“All that is left is that you find what you seek and return before Northshore will be left with nothing.” Silana said.
Adela brushed her body against mine and when I looked at her, she moved towards the door. “I have to go?”
“You have to continue your journey from here by yourself and alone, you have to be quick about it.” Silana said as she started to pack my things.