Chapter 5


  I watched her wide brown eyes as she watched every move I made. My little Kitten almost made me want to forgive her transgression, almost. I grabbed the next clip and trailed it down her legs until I got to her puffy set of lower lips. It appeared that Jack wasn't the only one to have some fun earlier.

  I'd noticed before when I cleaned her, but her body was already craving the kind of attention we gave. What a naughty kitten. I opened the pin and pulled on her pussy lip, holding it still. "Punishment time," I whispered as I clipped it to her.

  She jerked as she bit herself to keep from crying out. Her skin turned red under my touch. The beauty of it was enough to make me swoon. But not yet. My masterpiece would take time to set up and unlike Jack, I had no intention of being too gentle. Besides, it made it more fun when I'd care for her later and twisted as I could be, I enjoyed the softness that was always present when we were finished having fun. The idea of that vulnerability was enough to make my dick rock solid.

  She continued to bite her lip as she stared at me. Tears sparkled in her eyes. She was an oddity. She was doing everything she could to get on our good side, to stay alive. Not that it'd do her any good. Once Nicholas was finished with her there would be no changing her fate.

  "You're taking your punishment very well," I encouraged as I reached out and stroked her sex. The pinning didn't excite her as it did me. She was dry now that I tended to her. But that was okay too. I crawled onto the table and knelt down as I lapped ever so gently at that sensitive little spot. She moaned in her throat before catching herself and I chuckled. "It's okay, you can let me know exactly how much you enjoy what I'm doing to you, just no complaints."

  As I licked and nipped at her sensitive little clit the juices flowed from her again. She was a juicy peach this one. I stuck my tongue inside as I lapped at the sweetness. I pulled back as she bucked against me, her moans building in pitch. If I continued I'd push her over the edge and she'd come for me. But I didn't want that yet. As I retreated from the table a soft little whimper escaped and as I glanced back into her eyes she bit her lip and shivered.

  I moaned and reached up strumming the pin by her nipple. She gasped and tensed but didn't cry out, not this time. "Are you ready for the real fun, Kitten?" I asked with a smile. I retreated to the side where my line lay ready and waiting, the first clip on it calling my name.

  "Yes," she whispered in that soft little tone of hers. What would it be like as she screamed? I smiled at her as I imagined the chorus bouncing off my walls.

  Normally I worked with Norman, he loved to tease and pamper the girls as I got them prepared for the big finish. But I wanted to work with her alone today, forcing Norman to wait his turn until later to enjoy her company. Besides, she hadn't really earned a reward yet. There was no reason for me to pull out a toy to please her with.

  I took the first pin and started high on her shoulder where the skin grew taunt. I watched her face as I clamped the pin on. It wouldn't hold for long, but it didn't need to. Just long enough for me to finish my design. She didn't cry out or even whimper. "Good, Kitten," I praised as I reached down with one hand and stroked her slippery clit still wet from my kiss.

  I enjoyed watching her battle between letting herself enjoy what I was doing, and fearing what I was doing to do next. My little kitty had no idea the fun we were about to both receive. In time I'd strap her crouching onto the wall, a vibrator stuck deep inside of her on the highest setting as a ball gag stifled any moans or complaints. I'd decorate her entire body and hitch them to my weights and I'd let those weights bring me the most magical sound.

  I moaned hard as I just imagined the beauty I'd create from that. She hiccupped as her hips jerked toward my touch and soft little pants as her tight little body got close. I enjoyed this before time before the little virgins were stripped of their specialness. I enjoyed the after too, when I got to fuck them as I pulled the lines off as I came. It was the best feeling in the world, but not one I would get to indulge this time.

  Her body jerked beneath my hand. Oops. I had meant to stop before letting her achieve bliss. They were so beautiful when denied release. It was something Norman and I had in common. I removed my sticky fingers and went back to work, brushing against the pin already on her pussy. I created a path from her shoulder, around her breasts, down her stomach, and placing the last on her little red clit.

  She jerked back and forth from that one doing her best to not scream out. I worked my dripping finger back into her, careful to not dislodge my work. She was caught between moaning and crying at this point. She couldn't stop the tears that trailed down her cheeks. The fun hadn't started yet this had to be pure fear. "Come on, Kitten," I encouraged as I reached inside for her g-spot and rubbed two fingers against the bumpy flesh there. "We're going to do a really fun magic trick."

  "M-magic?" she whimpered at me as her body shook beneath me. She was fighting this orgasm so hard. Did she know what I had planned or was she just naturally cautious? Or maybe she was just being selfish and didn't want to share that moment of bliss with me.

  "I'm going to make your body do something it's never done before," I answered with a smile as I pushed in a little deeper now letting her pussy fully envelop my fingers as I worked them in and out of her dripping hole. A hole I wanted to stick my dick into as I pulled my string. But Nicholas had almost killed me once before, I'd learned my lesson.

  "St-stop," she pleaded as her head jerked from side to side. She'd hit her limit. She couldn't keep up that good obedient act any longer.

  "No," I replied with a smile. "Come now," I ordered as I licked my lips.

  My fingers were sliding inside of her so easily. Two was a long way away from a dick, but this little virgin was going to be such a fun fuck later when I taught her the beauty of pain mixed with pleasure. She continued to fight me as her head thrashed from side to side as she continued to plead and beg. But her body was moving in time with my fingers. It knew what it wanted and there was nothing this girl could do to stop it.

  "I'll punish you if you say no again," I whispered, my eyes hooded.

  Sobs filled the room as she cried even as she bucked against me, needing that final release. A release I was going to give her and so much more. Her throaty little cries were making it so hard to not give myself pleasure. My dick tented my pants as it longed to find one of her gloriously tight holes. Why did Nicholas have to be an asshole and demand first claim to two of them?

  She tried to clamp her thighs shut as the orgasm rolled over her. At the same time I grabbed my string and pulled with a firm quick hand. What had been a build up of a moan turned into a full-on scream as every pin was pulled forcibly off her body, including the one I'd added to her clit, and her body responded in kind to the torture.

  Not only did my precious little kitten come, but she squirted coating my table with her special juices. I reached down and grabbed the pin I had left for punishment and tugged on it but not enough to release its bond with her, not yet.

  "No, no, please, no!" she screamed at me as I toyed with it.

  Oh, she should have known better than that. I grinned at her as I pushed the clips together more so it pinched her harder before I yanked it off and she yelped like a scalded dog. Her breath came in fast pants, sweat soaked every inch of her, but despite all her complaints, all her screams, I saw the satisfied smile on her lips as she slowly returned to me from that soul searching experience.

  "Good job, Kitten," I praised as I pet her hair and she leaned into my hand as she shuddered. The pain had faded by now, but her beautiful marked skin would stay with me for a day, and her first squirt would be an experience she'd hold with her until the very end.

  Pity, that very end would likely be once Nicholas had his turn and when he grew bored. But still, I'd taken her to a higher realm.

  "Is it over?" she whispered once she was able to form speech again.

  "Kitten," I scolded with a tap to her nose. "I haven't got to finish yet. We've got some time before I have to give you to the next, so why don't we solve that and afterward we can cuddle."

  She nodded even as she sobbed and my eyes fluttered in anticipation. I couldn't wait to defile this woman.