I got dressed fast, there wasn't much time and I didn't exactly desire going into battle with so much skin exposed. Besides, a well-dressed man had a certain advantage against certain weak-minded individuals. Jack was taking far too much time. I focused on the mass of bonds that had formed inside us. Erina was practically a mass of quivering goo as everything inside of her was short-circuited. No matter, we'd keep her safe.
"Nic, there's a lot of them out there. Where do you want me?" Warren had been the next fastest to get dressed. Not that I doubted much from my second.
"You and Paxton are going to be the last line of defense." I adjusted my tie. "I'll be right outside the room, but I'm depending on you to keep her safe in case there are any surprises."
"And me?" Paxton questioned. He yawned, scratching at his chest and stretching like a damned cat. Fucking dragon. I couldn't have my way and be rid of him, but I'd at least put him to use.