The night took forever to pass by. Magnus had left me all hot and bothered and chained to the wall like an animal. I couldn't even use the restroom.
A door creaked open and I lifted my head. Sunlight spilled in behind the figure but it wasn't the Prince here to torment me some more.
No, this time was his bitch.
Clarise strolled down the stairs, her eyes on me the entire tme. "What do we have here?" she mused thoughtfully. "A desperate little slut in chains? You poor thing."
I did my best to ignore her, to stare past and wait for him. What was taking him so long in the first place? Hadn't he told me he would be the one to take me to this training or whatever it was?
"Ignoring me, huh?" Clarise shook her head and got closer to me. She pulled a necklace out of her cleavage and dangled a key in front of my face. "Darling gives me whatever I want. I told him I wanted to torture you this morning, and this was his answer."