"Contact the elders, we need to figure where we can find white ash and angel's blood... it's the only thing that can kill them. Those two ingredients are pure poison to them."
"Wait, what about silver daggers? Won't that work too?"
"Afraid not Ty... it may work on the others he's bringing, but it won't work on him."
"Damn.... well, I guess we got our work cut out for us then huh?"
"Yeah, that.... we do."
We made our way back in the car, I signaled Chester, my top bodyguard to drive back to the packhouse. We had driven out far to where we wouldn't have people lurking around.
I got out of the car after Tyler did. We shook hands and parted ways to our rooms.
As I walked in, I was able to see Tasha again. I made my way towards her to give her a fair warning. She was in shock from my outburst.