She sighs, I notice she has a beautiful bracelet with similar symbols as my katana. A gold necklace hangs around her neck, with a moon and three stars on top.
"Selene, my real name is Carol Dianne Slate. You and I are descendants of our goddess, Artemis, our mother... sister, of goddess Selene, and Hecate....our third moon goddess.
Selene, you and I are rightful warriors, protectors of our moon goddess Selene, we have served to protect her from the beginning of time. We come from a lineage of warriors, and protectors. That is why, you were bestowed with the gift of our moon goddess Artemis, as a warrior and protector. Not only to our goddess but in your case, to your pack.
In you are powers greater than you know. But you are yet to embrace and discover them. You are a rightful child of the moon. Stating the obvious, you are known as a moon child.