Chapter 8

  The dinner was delicious and Rachel was great dinner company. I ate every single thing, which Rachel was delighted about. When we were finished eating, Rachel went to the kitchen and came back with slices of the chocolate cake that I had brought earlier. Even though I couldn't eat anything more, I accepted the offered slice.

  After I finished the last crumb of the cake, I looked up at Rachel across the table. "Thanks again for dinner, Rachel. It was amazing." I commended.

  She smiled brightly. "You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

  "Thanks." I returned her smile, which was contagious.

  She clasped her hands in excitement suddenly. "Oh, I have to show you Tyler's pictures. I'll go get my album." She said, getting up instantly.

  Tyler, who was beside me, eyes widened. "No, Mom. I don't think that is necessary. Emily has to leave now anyways." He said quickly, trying to stop his mother.