Chapter 38

  Emily's POV

  My parents went to bed early after dinner on Wednesday evening, so after I finished washing the dishes, I went up to my room earlier than normal. After turning off all the lights in the house, I went up to my room.

  When I entered my room, I heard my phone ringing. I walked over to my bed and took it up. Checking the caller ID, I saw that it was Tori. I lay on my bed and picked up the call.

  "Hey girl. What's up?"

  "Hi Emily. I'm just checking up on you. How are you doing?"

  I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion. "I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Emily, you didn't seem like yourself in school today. You spaced out a lot and I noticed you barely said two words. I was worried about you." She explained.

  "Thanks Victoria, but really I'm good." I insisted.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Well, I would be eventually."

  "Good. Don't worry about it okay? It will all work out. I know it will."