Chapter 2: Reminders

"VRMMORPG?" Dad asked in astonishment when I mentioned what was written on the back of the box. "What is that?"

My sister shakes her head when he looks at her, also not knowing what to answer our Dad's questions.

I immediately searched for what that meant. "So, technically, it's a virtual reality massively multiple player online role-playing game. That's what VRMMORPG means. Haven't heard of it. " I gasped because I said it without letting air fill up my lungs, muttering the whole meaning of this strange game.

"Guys! Set that aside for a while. Let's eat first. The food is ready! " Mom shouted in the dining room. The rattle of the silverware that she started placing on the dining table can be heard even in the living room.

"You should've called us Mom! We could have helped you, you know." I shook my head.

I let go of the helmet and the game case, then stood up to help Mom put the necessities down on the dining room table.

When I opened the case earlier, it only contained one chip, about 2 centimeters in size, length, and width. There's a flat hole just under the helmet, too. And, I think that's where the chip should be inserted.

Mom caught my attention. "We'll let you play with it, as long as you don't neglect your obligations at school and home, as a student, as our daughter, and as Angela's sister," Mom said, that left me nodding in agreement with what she wanted.

I ate my food silently in peace when Dad joined in the conversation.

"You must maintain your good grades, Dally. I'm not forcing you to be in the top class or the entire campus. As long as you don't fail in your classes, I'm willingly letting you enjoy that game," said Dad, who also received a nod from me.

"Hey, don't push her too much Mom, Dad. She knew what she had to do. Don't put any restrictions on her. She barely had leisure time. I mean, she didn't have time for herself.

"If all she does is study and do house chores, how can she enjoy being a teenager, right? Like, I'm always helping her with household chores. So," Angela smiled as she sliced ​​the hotdog and placed it on my plate. 

"Thanks," I muttered softly, thanking her for putting the hotdog on my plate even though I didn't ask for it. 

"Anything for you, sis." She gingerly nudges my arm. Both ends of her lips tugged upwards. 

Oh, no. My words got in the wrong way. She thought, maybe, I was thankful because she defended me from what our parents wanted. Though, I'm still thankful. 

"We know Angela. We just wanted to remind her," said Mom. 

I felt eyes looking at me, so I scanned each one of them. They are staring at me, leaving with unsaid words.

"What?" I asked nonchalantly, blinking.

Dad smiles with closed eyes. "Nothing sweetie." He continues eating his meal.

"Are you going to play it later?" Angela asked.

I stopped from planning to shove another scoop of food into my mouth. Mom chuckled and I heard a short but loud clicking sound in front of me. Crumpling my face into frowns, I look at my Dad, putting the spoon on the plate. "Seriously Dad?"

They started laughing and goofing around about the stolen picture.

'Why does it always happen to me? As always.' I shake my thoughts away.

"She looks cute!" Mom squeals like a teenager while looking at the picture that Dad had taken a moment ago.

"You're still gaping Dally!" Dad exclaimed, booming with laughter afterward.

"I'm not gonna protest anymore," said Angela.

They are like a bunch of lunatic people living with me and I don't even know why I can still stand their behavior despite having the opposite of theirs.

"Crazy peps," I whispered, causing them to mirth. 

Dad snorted. "Come on Dally, as much as we enjoy watching you eat, we enjoy your pictures even more." He showed me the picture of me, gaping my mouth wide to eat.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "I look horrible," I commented.

Dad looked at the picture again and shook his head. "No, you don't, darling." 

"Whatever y'all say." Standing up with my plate and glass in my hands, the spoon, and fork on my plate. "Leave everything on the sink once y'all finished. I will wash the dishes."

I turned to look at them. They are still busy making fun of my picture. "Just call me when you are done." 

Mom just hummed, then giggled afterward. "Let's show it to her future boyfriend," said Mom, who stopped me from walking out of the dining area. 

"What the heck? You guys are weird." I trudge to the lounge, where my gaming equipment is. "I'll be in my room. Call me, okay!?" I shouted. 

"Sure, sweetie!" Mom answered back. 

I sighed quietly when I finally reached my room, placing the gaming equipment on the table carefully. I picked up my phone and saw there was an upcoming alarm. I was a hundred percent sure that it was time to finish my school activities. 

As I was about to get my things inside my bag, a knock halted me. "Yeah?"

"Can I come in, sis?" Angela asked from the other side of the door. 

"Sure!" I yelled and continued to place all the things that needed my utmost attention.

The sound of an opening door makes me a bit uneasy, since I'm not sure what Angela wants. After a few seconds of standing in the doorway, a click on the door quickly faded. 

"Busy?" She asked. 

I bobbed my head and hummed a 'yes'. "It needs to be done if I want to start playing that game."

A sudden creak of my bed caught my attention, but I didn't bother myself to turn around just to see what she was doing.

The silence wasn't awkward, as it was light and serene. The pale yellow light of my room made it more calming and brought comfort.

Clicking the pen, I swiftly turned the pages of my notebook, making sure not to crumple the paper. With a snap of a finger, I found the page I needed to finish.

In the middle of answering some equations, I asked my idling sister, "Still alive?"

She hummed and the little shuffling of my comforter could be heard.

I switched my eyes from my notebook to the book I borrowed from the librarian. "Don't you dare sleep on my bed. Why did you come anyway? Shouldn't you be staying in your room, flirting with your noisy boyfriend?"

Angela groaned. "Oh, come on! Don't talk ill to him, sister."

A low chuckle erupted in my throat. "I'm not talking ill, I'm stating a fact. To sum up, he was a jester. Laughing out loud whenever he has the chance to. Now say, wasn't he what I said?"

She clicked her tongue and groaned again. "Still!" Sighing, she changed our topic.

"Got a name already?" That's when I snapped my head at her.

Furrowing my brows, I asked her, "Name? What name are you referring to?"

She chuckles ever so slightly. It was probably the fact that I was directed in the wrong direction, or because she was talking about the game. I don't exactly know.

Her face lit up like she's having the upper hand over me. The smugness on her face and smoldering eyes she had shown it all. Both corners of her lips stretched out upwards. If they can extend even further, it will tear her skin and face muscles.

"Do you know that sometimes you look stupid and a lunatic who is obsessed with some big booby figurines?" I asked, eyebrows still forcing to get at the center, unamused gaze fixated on her, lips forming into one irritating line.

Angela's creepy as hell. Her smile got even wider and bigger and it made me uncomfortable. She propped her head using her elbow, digging into the bed, the back of her ear resting on her weak clenched fist. Her feet dangling on the edge of my bed.

"What's with you, freak? Why did you ask me if I got a name already?" Questions after questions swarm inside my head as I stare longer at her.

'Why do I suddenly feel like she will use something on me?' I suddenly have a bad feeling, but I brush it off. 'Maybe it was just nothing and I'm just thinking negatively.'