
  She faces me. Her eyes filled with anger. “Or what?”

  Jesus! This woman is infuriatingly sexy when she’s mad. Her hands are on her hips, glaring at me.

  I want to grab her head and kiss her like crazy. My eyes fall to her succulent lips, and she suddenly blinks and swallows hard when she notices where my eyes are transfixed at.

  “Don’t test me, Trinity. I might do something that you might not like,” I say calmly despite the rage is boiling in my veins.

  “You just did,” she replies. Anger flashes across her beautiful face, and I hate the feeling that I just make her angry.

  “I just got you back, Tri,” I say with a hint of pain in my voice.

  “Forget it!” She yells.

  “Don’t shout at me!” I demand respect. I am still her boss and her best friend.

  She grabs her bag, tosses her phone inside, and walks past me.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” I ask quickly. Panic grows in the pit of my stomach.