South Korea-2

  She raises her brow. “And what’s wrong with that? I’m happy that my baby brother finally found the courage that he should’ve done that years ago.”

  I might have turned into a tomato right now, and I think I’m sweating even this place is cold.

  “Just take care of my baby, K,” Aunt Abby says.

  “He has Mr. Russell to look after him, Aunt Abby,” I respond.

  She laughs, covering her mouth with the table napkin. “That’s not what I mean, K. He’s capable of protecting himself if that’s what you mean, and he’s been very responsible since he was in the U.K. What I mean to say is take care of Bash,” she emphasizes take care part.

  I nod in agreement.

  “He cares about you, K. Don’t ever doubt that.”


  I ignore Bash’s offer to play a board game. After excusing myself from him, I get inside the master suite of their private jet. I sleep throughout the fourteen hours flight after our dinner together.