
  I can see that she doesn’t expect me to be here. “Any problem with me being here? I don’t think they made a regulation banning Hughes to visit their properties, or did I miss that memo?” I ask sarcastically, slipping my hands into my pockets.

  “Um, no sir, but Mr. Rexwell is not around at this moment. He didn’t mention where he went, but I guess he’s on his way to return a friend’s belonging that is left in his car.”

  My eyes widen. I turn away from her quickly, pressing the elevator button.

  “Miss?” I face her again, and she looks surprised.


  “He should fire you for sharing such information like that. If he ever does, send a resume to my office. And thank you!” I enter the elevator.

  Her mouth hangs open and doesn’t blink until the door slides close between us.
