Drunk & Depressed-2

  I get out of my room after making myself look like a human.

  The house is dead silent when I walk down the living room.

  “Ms. Mallory?” I turn my head to see Sean’s driver.

  “Um, hi, good morning.” I rub my palm on my jeans.

  He gives me a polite smile. “Good morning.”

  My head snaps to Sean, walking down the stairs. “Where is Bash?”

  “They left about twenty minutes ago,” he says casually.

  “They left?” I ask in disbelief.

  “Yeah. I’ll send you home after your breakfast.”

  “Why did he leave me here?” My eyes fill with tears again.

  Sean blows a breath. “He has a business trip, and has to fly to London tonight.”

  My eyes widen. “Business trip? To London?” I can’t remember him having a business trip to London. I know he has no business trips this month, and how did I miss it?

  He shrugs. “That’s what he said.”