I can’t believe I slept for almost eight hours throughout the flight. I called Mom earlier that we arrived here safe and sound. I share a meal with Edmund and Derek earlier as soon as we arrived at the hotel. I take a shower and change into comfortable clothes for the weather in Paris.
“Ready to meet your Juliet, Romeo?” Derek cracks a joke.
I narrow my eyes on him. “I don’t wanna end in a disaster, dumbass.”
“Bash, Mr. Shin left a message. He was sorry to not be able to call you back sooner. He was having a family problem. His daughter got into an accident.”
“Is she okay?” I know that the custody hearing was on hold. I haven’t heard much about Alex lately.
“Yeah. She’s been released from the hospital. I sent your regards.”
I nod. “Thanks, Edmund.”
“That’s the best thing you’ve ever said so far.”
My eyes narrow. “Am I this terrible?”
“Nah. You’re the best,” Edmund remarks.