Detain The Danger
The two Meivs who ran away from Pradai found their way to the Councilors chamber. They ran inside and bowed down to the Councilors, shaking in fear and breathing profusely like wounded bears. Apparently they had been finding it hard to tell anyone of their encounter because it was something they have not seen before, a Lynx Lynch killed just in a matter of minutes. It was something their minds and hearts had to debate because the water being poured into the strong golden cup was breaking the gold itself.
"Speak" said the Chief councilor reluctantly, he didn't care about what their faces said, only what their mouth confessed.
"Another Lynx Lynch has been killed"
"What!!? Wait another Lynx Lynch? Who did this? Why aren't their reports?! Who did this! Who dares!?is it the Thogwarts? Who?! " Asked the Chief councilor raging in anger, but with sprinkles of doubts and atoms of confusion—the possibility wasn't possible.
"The human"