Later that day in the evening, Cassey got to feed and spend time with his favorite and most loved animal, Tim, but before then, he had a mission to complete, Tom Mot the cow was due to deliver so he was going to see to that. That's why Mama told him to do the needful.
Cassey led Tom mot to a good place packed with straws And fetched a bucket of water and towel, and somehow, he helped Tom-mot deliver, Mama couldn't do this, only him could.
As he was done with everything else, it was already dark and the night was upon him. He went on to feed the horse.
Cassey sat on the grass, it was a cool night. The sky was adorned with stars, and the moon iluminated the earth. He gave carrots to Tim, while he watched the stars relaxly.
"Been hell of a day TIM ,ain't it?"
Tim the horse gave a sound, with a bite and crunch to a whole carrot.