CHAPTER 50: The Dog Fight Race I I

  Cassey gave him a look as if to say "dammit! Seriously?!"

  "My ears, and my brain can't stand his gibberish for that long. Now. In Fact now"

  Cassey poured his own water before Allen could get to it on Skryl, who woke up and jolted back to reality by force.

  "Whaa- what! Why's there water on my body!?" Skryl yelled.

  Allen poured his own too. Skryl sprung up on his feet by force.

  "Darn! Allen!!!!" Skryl yelled seemingly angry,

  "Ouch, my back is broken!" Skryl expressed pain. Cassey and Allen looked at each other with a guilt-on face. Cassey immediately phased out, waking over to the front.

  "Umm I don't know… it must have been , um no. Yes, you stood up by force, so it is obviously what caused it." Allen cleared his throat, and quickly joined Cassey, with a heavy exhale.

  Cassey went to look for the Small Man. He searched all around the yard but didn't see him until he looked over the gate.

  "Oh there you are" he opened the wooden gate to meet him.