CHAPTER 61: Slaves Change Hands

  Scotia walked into Cassey's bedroom, and just stood beside the bed, staring at sleeping Cassey as if he was in a trance, for what lasted for some moment.

  Cassey in a sleepy eyes, flicked his eyes but jolted up immediately in shock! at the sight of Scotia's face.

  "Good lord! Are we really doing this again?! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

  Scotia smiled broadly. Feeling like he had just gotten an achievement

  "Morning sunshine, told you today is going to be a good day.."

  Cassey inspected his chest to see if anything was broken. Scotia got Puzzled

  "What are you doing, young sire?"

  Cassey Looked up to him.

  "Good day. Is that why you should send me to an early grave?? On a good morning?"

  "Ohhhh, I see where the problem is, you're a chicken! Say no more, come on, let's go for a walk"


  Alby backed up to a tree, whimpering and, panting and staring at the dead body of Folk.