In the same night, Four bandits took their time in hitting Alby and Pigg, using them as entertainment.
As they beat them, their leader signaled them to stop. They went back to sit around the campfire, while a bandit took Pigg and Alby and tied them up to a tree.
Pigg and Alby got tied to a tree sitting down,with chains around their legs. Life or escape or survival was surely far from them, no one would even think about escaping and living on still.
"Hey, I am sorry for what happened back there. We weren't going to hurt you, but Folk's… he should be in hell now. They went without me." Said Pigg sadly and regrettably
He kept staring at the weak alby whose eyes were closed. She didn't talk back.
"We will find a way out, I promise." Pigg said assuredly
The same bandit who tied them up came around again, he bends down and started touching Alby, she didn't make a sound or move, it was as if life was giving up on her.