CHAPTER 71: Attack

  After the night had passed, they decided to enter the Kingdom of the Borderlands and reason with their king, since they were great as people said.

  They were only allowed passage because only two among them were to go see the King, and yes, Cassey had the Treilz sword with him.

  Cassey and Mantis entered the king's palace, the king sat on a throne which faced backwards, so they never saw his face, only his back.

  They had been talking to the King,but it seemed as if he wasn't listening.

  "… Please, you have to help us, please" begged Cassey

  "Tell me, who let you in to my palace?" Since the past one hour, this was the King's first talk. But they needed support so badly

  "I already told you,i have the treilz sword with me."

  "Go then, go and conquer!"

  "My king, there are too many of them, we don't stand a chance,but together with your army, we can win."

  "This is insane. Everything you have said" the King said

  "Is true, he is real, we have to fight them"