CHAPTER 75: Fight To Glory

  "Senar is the King of the borderlands kingdom??" Exclaimed Allen, who couldn't believe it, even though he was seeing it

  "Wow, this can't be true" Cassey said, unbelievably

  "But it is my friend! Haha"

  "I knew it, I smelled royalty in him. But I would never have guessed he was the king of the strongest Kingdom around" Orlswen said

  "Orlswen, you're a great fellow, so we meet again, all of us, fighting together. Let this day be remembered till eternity" said Senar, drawing out his sword, he lifted it up and his soldiers gathered around them, all battle ready, fresh and strong.

  Cassey found new strength, they all did, for there's nothing greater than fighting with the people that matters to you, and two and more was better than one, unity is infinite of strength!

  Cassey, Orlswen, Senar, Hansel and Allen stood together, ready to face the worst.

  Hornduras gasped, as the sun shined so bright on them

  "The Sky Heirs" Hornduras said, looking up to the skies,