The distance between their building to the next one isn’t enough for them not to see the new came batch of scholars. Euno can’t help but to sighed and watch them fall in line.
“I feel pity for those pals,” he whispered.
“Seeing those kids bring back memories, right?” asked Eulysis.
“They are doing something to be proud of though,” Eulejius entered the conversation.
He took a sip of his coffee and looked far away. If only he can touch what his sight can reach in the far side of the east, he’s already home. Those kids have no idea what kind of hell they have just registered for. Their assurance to go back is even lower than their chance to get to see the world from the outside.
“A decade of studying is already a long, boring process. Another decade of proving your capabilities to the institution is another one,” he, Euno, commented.