Chapter 51

  The fragrance of flowers blended with the smell of the smoke coming from her cigarette, both are pleasant and addicting for her to breathe in. It makes her mourn even more.

  She remembered the day she started relying her life to smoking. It was a cold and rainy night around November. Under the tree where she used to stay in, a beggar at her age came to share the shade. Claiming the place as her own, she pushed him away for not giving a penny as his payment for shelter.

  “I-I have cigarettes here. Do you want some? You won’t get hungry with these,” he offered, showing a small pack inside a plastic bag.

  Feeling her tummy growling and aching, that tempted her to give it a try. She let him sat down meters away from her. That’s when she saw how thin he was. Compared to her, she can bet he won’t last long enough.

  “How to eat this?” she asked as he gave her five of it.

  “Like this,” he replied. He lit his lighter and showed her how.