Chapter 74

  “I won’t be at ease and will never die in peace if I failed this team. He entrusted them to me. I—”

  ‘You are doing great, Doctor. If only Dean is here right now, for sure, he’ll be praising you.’

  He looked at her, her existence is just a proof that Dean really did well being the team’s former doctor.

  “His belongings, had the Captain delivered them safely?”

  ‘We did.’

  “Did someone find it?”

  Anne smiled, nodding her head. Putting his turmoiled soul at peace.

  ‘Yes, someone has found it!’

  “How was it? Did they understand the letters? Have they sent them to his family?”

  ‘That is what I am not sure about. But the last time I flew the drone in the area, I saw a man holding Dean’s fountain pen. I am certain, he is the same man who has found his things.’

  “Do you think that person is as trustworthy as we are?”

  ‘I think so.’

  “Thank you, Anne.”

  ‘How about you?’