Looking exhausted and sleepless, those are an understatement to describe the condition of the three of his young men—the place is giving him the atmosphere of hopelessness.
“Sir!” The group saluted as he appeared.
“How are you here?” Eulysis asked to Euno.
“I am fine, Sir.” He confirmed.
“Same here, Captain!” the other one replied, too.
“You don’t have to act all mighty just to stay with Euno’s side.” Eulysis keenly observed the man.
“I assure you, Sir, I am perfectly fit. I had some good rest.”
“And you three?”
“This may be inconsiderate to ask, more specially this time, but we badly need to take a break, Captain. Maybe an hour or two will be enough to regain our strength,” one of them explained, barely opening his eyes.
Eulysis creases his forehead. That explains why one of their shots was fired degrees away from the coordinates that it is supposed to be launched to which resulted for the group to fire another one.