Ever since they are back, she rarely talked to them unless she has to. Something that is not so usual.
“About the progress…” She paused to get their attention.
“It is confirmed.” She motioned Anne to block some of her functions.
“What is this?” one wondered.
“Remember this?” She showed to her vial containing the debris from the asteroid.
“Who won’t?” Eula creased her forehead.
“I am already done examining these,” she remarked and put it down.
“Look at this, watch carefully.” She set the vials condition to different situations.
“If the gravity core here…” She pointed at the center bottom of the tube.
“Exerted force higher than these things have, they are deliberately going away from where the force is coming. And when we lowered it down to the force lower than they have, it does the other way around. But, this is what makes it more interesting…” She smiled.
“If we set it in equal to the force it has, it stays at the middle.” She ended.