The clock chimed again, hitting another round of time. The night is peaceful but not her mind. Reading each of the journals have made her know that there is more they don’t know about their former officers.
Eve closed Epharil’s diary for a second. She really can’t believe that the old woman was into writing her daily memories. She caressed its cover, it is full of stories that are mostly melancholic; and somewhere between the pages, there are two pressed packs of papers—wrapper of her favorite sticks.
“I promise, I will go to the orphanage where you have spent your younger years and together with the team, we will visit your little fellow’s grave,” she muttered while imagining the place that was described in the journal.
Just the sight she could see in her mind alone is already giving her the vibes of life’s cruelty. What more to see it personally?
‘Yes, Captain?’
“Do you know her foster parents?”
‘No, Captain.’