The uppers gave up their seats while hissing in whispers. She looked away as they looked at her menacingly.
‘Get mad for as long as you want! As if I care about your mental state whenever you gain grudges! Leave with no peace!’ she shouted inside her head.
As the door closed, Captain Evan get near her to tap her shoulder.
“I can really see Captain Eulysis in you, Captain Eve,” he uttered and whispered, “Don’t mind those who envies him. Make them know that you are as a threat as the man.”
He sat down seats away from her and invited their fellows to move forward as well.
She can feel her feet starting to tremble. If not for the good man, she might have already considered backing out.
“Good day—”
“Cut the greetings, Captain Eve! Just start discussing about your concerns, so we can leave already!” one cut her off.
“Captain!” A chorus of opposition buzzed as they stopped the rude man.
Being embarrassed, she stood up firmly and raised him a brow.