Jean watched Nil walk here and there, glancing at the monitors from time to time. She peeked outside to give here eyes some rest, but even on that side, there are passersby that are looking at their building and will talk furtively.

  “Relax, your teams are handling the situation smoothly. There are no evidences that those men have been here, and I assure you, the left ones are secured in the secret basement. Besides, we are prepared for this. Who would have thought that this building is highly engineered? I hate seeing this base of ours switching to an office one.” She fixed her attire and helped the man compile the papers she has prepared beforehand.

  “I just can’t believe that our information is now leaked out to the public. You know that it is my job to keep us unknown here on the outside. We have to hunt down whoever did this. Lux will not let this happen. He will surely make them pay.”