Days and nights passed as if the durations is just measured by an hour. In her bought apartment, away from the residential area, she has spent most of her time doing her experiment.

  With the knowledge, she had learned from the organization and materials that Rum has helped her provide, though wondering what she is doing it for, she has managed to build the set-up she needs to conduct her study.

  “There you go.” She smiled after putting down her notes and took off her glasses.

  The white rat in the other container squeaks as soon as it saw her, showing off his appreciation for the food she brought him. She stared at it with so much amazement. Its response to its environment is just a proof that she is right in her conclusions.

  “Okay.” She breathes out and went to the calendar. “You are just a few days away from knowing the rest of the truth,” she assured herself and glanced at the frames on top of her table.