“If you don’t mind me asking, how come that it was there? I thought that the planet was just discovered recently? Judging the spaceship’s condition, it seems like it is already been there for a long time, right?” she adjusted her glasses and pretended to be checking every detail of the picture.
“Zimmerman, did you not hear what the report said earlier? Maybe, just maybe, the claim of whoever stranger he is, is true—” Hopps was cut off by their Head.
“What we are working on at this moment is not to know why our old model of spaceship is on that planet, but to make plans for the mission given to us—to explore and investigate this new planet,” he meddled and faced her. “Anyway, we have already chosen the people who will be sent for the mission. Those who are selected are already in the different department, doing their part. Our job is to give—” His brows furrowed when she stood up. “We don’t send newbies, Zimmerman.”