He became serious as he listens. “First of all, congratulations. To whom did you get married to? Secondly, how old is your daughter now? And lastly, how is our team?”
Her smiles faded upon hearing the last question. As someone whose line of duty is to save lives, as a dedicated one, he will certainly get devastated to know that his team lost some of its members.
She gulped and sip on her coffee to clear her mind and calmed down herself. Somehow, it really did help her to feel at ease.
“During the mission, we lost Doctor Fresnon—the one who replaced you, if you can still remember.”
“Of course, I still do.”
“Like what you and Head Eulejius did, he sacrificed himself and decided to be part of the core of the new program introduced to the mother ship’s system. The process was that risky, you know what it costs someone to be a program’s core.”