Chapter|| 21 In rage

  Writer's POV

  Facing the mall was a fancy English restaurant, so Kate suggested they go there to talk.

  Issac agreed, a suspicious look in his face as he sat down with her at a table.

  "The bill is on me since I brought you here. What would you like to eat?" Kate asked, smiling softly.

  "Nothing. I don't want anything from you, please get to the reason you called me here." Isaac frowned, pushing away the menu at the table.

  Kate shifted uncomfortably, but the smile remained as she called for a waitress who took her order of two bottles of red wine before leaving.

  There was an awkward silence as they waited for the waitress to return, and when she did, she dropped it gently along with two wine glasses before leaving once more.

  "So, are you gonna open that?" Kate asked, opening the bottle before pouring it's red content to her glass, her stern eyes watching Isaac who said still. She sighed, pouring a glass for him too.