Chapter|| 27 Called upon

  Writer's POV

  When Serena opened her eyes, she was immediately blinded by the bright lights from the chandelier above her and shut them immediately and decided to use her other senses.

  The bed was soft against her back and she felt a duvet sprayed over her, and as she opened her eyes slowly this time she looked around the room she was in. It was familiar and she shot up from the bed in shock.

  A wave of dizziness flushed through her and she closed her eyes, resting her back against the headboard before opening them again to see a pair of cold grey ones fixed on her.

  She gasped in shock as King Zed stood watching her intensely.

  She was even in his room! On his bed!

  What the hell am I doing here? She thought, looking everywhere else as if to find the answers written on the wall.

  Her body shook as she stared down at the floor speechlessly. She doesn't understand why she was here nor remember what happened from the previous night.