Chapter|| 34

  THE CEO ALPHA KING (-Falling for him-)

  Writer's P O V

  Issac waited until the next day before reaching out to Kate. He asked her where he could meet her up, and she told him to meet her at the same place they met last time.

  Isaac picked up a USB flash drive before leaving his apartment. He drove straight to the same hotel from last time; he went up the previous floor he went to last time.

  He arrived at the same room from last time and gave rise to knock when the door unlocked. It disclosed Kate's smiling face.

  "Come in, and I've been waiting for your call," Kate beamed.

  Isaac flashed her a toothless grin before stepping into the room. Kate closed up the door and led him to the bed.

  "So, did you do it? Was it successful?" Kate asked, her eyes shining in anticipation.

  "Yes, it was. Have this," Issac replied. He handed the USB flash drive to Kate, and Kate received it with pleasure. She kept the USB cord on the table beside the bed and embraced Isaac tightly.