Chapter 70

  __Next Morning___

  Sunlight streamed into Irish's room,she's yet to open her eyes but she could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin.

  She remained that way for some minutes before finally opening her eyes and sitting up.

  There's only one day left...that was the only thought that crossed her mind as her eyes opened clearly.

  One day left and she's not fully done with what she's here for.

  She has been here for five days now and even though she has gathered some evidences,she needed more.

  Her intuition keeps telling her Morgan knows about Carrle's death but she's yet to confirm it. Catherine keeps cutting in,she's glad she'll be off to Mexico this afternoon, she'll get to coax Morgan into spilling what she wants him to.

  She stretched as she slipped her feet into her footwear.

  She adjusted her pajamas and walked into the bathroom.


  She was fully dressed by the time Maria walked into her room.

  "Good morning ma'am" Maria smiled.